Subscribe to our online yoga community and practice from the comfort of your home. You'll find an online library of yoga classes in various styles, guided meditations and breath techniques that you can come to 24/7 to serve you in your daily life. The practices are for beginners, for those seeking to add depth to their current practice and especially to bring yoga to those who need it most and might get it the least. Practices vary in length from shorter, potent practices to longer, slow practices to serve the modern day yogi. Choose a different class daily or come back to your favourite practice over and over again - listen to what you need on any given day.
In addition, weekly LIVE slow flow yoga class on Zoom class every Thursday at 11:30 am
**recording uploaded after class

My intention for every practice is give you the opportunity to breathe, release, create space and drop into your body. Some days we'll work into hip opening, other days heart opening, or forward folding or deep twists and so on. Please know that whatever season of your life you are in - you are showing up to practice, whatever movement. If you want to just breathe and lay on your mat in savasana or child's pose - do that. If you want to drop into a headstand or arm balance - do that. I share prompts for modifications and variations but more than anything, listen to your body and move in a way that feels nourishing to you. Come as you are:)